Rakurs is a musician, DJ with a great experience of a DJing school. His style is a trend of development of modern music.
His work is played in virtually every club in Russia and in the CIS countries. Also his material was in rotation on many radio stations such as Radio Record, DFM, Radio Energy, Kiss FM.
If you play music, then play for the soul!
If you experiment, then do not be afraid!
I create delicious cocktails from different styles of music.
Listen and Enjoy!!! ;)
Russian DJ and Remix-Maker. Author of many mashups, bootlegs and remixes. Some of the works were played on various radio stations of both regional and federal significance. Author of the monthly music program "PUSHKAMIX".
It all started in the last century. The beginning was laid with the emergence of the tracker music scene. I am engaged in the creation of music. I work with sound using different DAWs. In my free time from working in the studio, I try to make music, which I gladly share with my listeners.
DJ, sound producer, remixer, musician, scratch maker.
Previously known under the nickname DJ NeoN and mixes, on the theme of the nineties, have received wide popularity among the audience.
At this time he is engaged in producing remixes in styles: Deep House, Club House, broadcast on Moscow FM radio stations and on radio stations in dozens of countries around the world.
His works are loved by listeners and have strong support in social networks and on YouTube
Music has been living in me since first grade! By creating and listening to it, I rest my soul from my main activity. The main thing for me is to convey to the listeners the depth of musical production, especially if it is a remix of Soviet songs.
Andrey AMSTYZA - sound producer, author of dance tracks and remixes. The owner of his own label on which projects are released: AMSTYZA, Rodman Daforo, ENDRPHNE, DJ Non Rex.
Winner of remix contests in Russia and Western countries.
Roman LeVice is a bright representative of the modern Russian EDM scene, the author of remixes for many hits of the outgoing summer. At lhis live shows, sparkling performances by the artist often occur - knocking on stewpans, playing on the lip and inept artistic whistling. In Roman's music there is something for everyone - for someone this, for someone that.
Alex Reeg (Alexander Kuzhelev) - Songwriter, DJ, sound producer, music producer, performer, local promoter and creative manager of musical projects (ZaNoZa's main project), musician, produces for many popular stars
DJ musicmaker, who has more than seven years of experience in the music industry, is a resident of famous clubs and the author of a huge number of tracks that are played in many parts of the country and the CIS. MATURE is among the hundred best DJs in Russia according to PDJ