Classical Crossover

Classical crossover is a type of music that consists of the combination of classical music, pop, rock with electronic music elements.

Birth: 1955 Bloom: 1976

Classical crossover or neoclassic — is a music style that includes contemporary sound of musical compositions based on the sound harmony of classical music but converted by the combination of contemporary rhythms, progressive styles with classical, symphonic sound. Harmonious and balanced sound of electronic and classical instruments can expand the sound scope and create a new free form for a composition. On the other hand, the development of digital technologies allowed to create musical parts which are so complex that can`t be live performed.

The name of the style was approved few years ago when the style got into a list of nominations of Grammy, annually held by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences of the United States. Classical crossover became so popular that Billboard (an American music magazine) created a special separated chart for this style.

Umbrellate style: Instrumental

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Classical Crossover mixes

255 138:30 2 PR 1,1 ▲
Classical Crossover, Chillout
Classical Crossover mixes →

Classical Crossover tracks and remixes

257 3:12 18 74 PR 23,5 ▲
Classical Crossover, Pop
269 3:00 21 96 PR 13,3 ▲
Classical Crossover
133 4:14 1 108 PR 5,6 ▲
Classical Crossover, Heavy metal

Jazz →

← Instrumental