
Instrumental music is a music or a record without lyrics as opposed to a song form.

Birth: 1929 Bloom: 1992

Usually instrumental music is performed by musical instruments. Many genres prefer instrumental content — classical music, jazz, electronic music, and new age.

Albums by many artists often consist some instrumental compositions (for example, Mind Of Karma «Yellow Submarine» The Beatles, or «Autobahn» Kraftwerk).

Deriative style: Classical Crossover

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Instrumental mixes

289 58:26   74 PR 2,5 ▲
Instrumental, Funky House
263 44:01   34 PR 0,9 ▲
Instrumental, Classical Crossover
189 11:56   15 PR 0,4 ▲
Instrumental mixes →

Instrumental tracks and remixes

464 3:19 33 127 PR 41,1 ▲
Instrumental, Pop
886 3:16 20 1 160 PR 41 ▲
Instrumental, Classical Crossover
816 3:34 49 117 PR 36,1 ▲
Instrumental, Pop

Classical Crossover →

← Technoid