Alternative Rock

Alternative rock is a broad umbrella term consisting of music that differs greatly in terms of its sound, its social context, and its regional roots. The term was coined in the 80s and covered a number of styles which derived from punk rock, post punk, and many others.

Birth: 1979 Bloom: 1997

The term «alternative rock» is mostly used in the USA. In Russia and Great Britain the style usually called «alternative music» or just «alternation».

Alternative rock in Russia began to frow up in the late 80s. The band Дубовый Гаайъ (Dubovyj Gaaj) made first attempts to create an alternative sound playing the rapcore and trip hop styles. Finally alternative rock was formed in the mid-90s with bands such as Tequilajazz, I.F.K, Кирпичи (Kirpichi), МЭD DOГ, The Console, Jazzlobster, Crocodile T.X., M.C.D.EAD, Epilepsy Bout, Джан ку (Dzhan ku). Their music had distinct characteristic features, first of all, the difference from traditional Russian rock and popular music. Dubovyj Gaaj and Kirpichi were first bands who began to mix rock music with rap. Dolphin, who is an ex-soloist of Dubovyj Gaaj, also can be attributed to the alternative genre because he mixed rock music with rap.

Among the latest alternative bands attention should be paid to Психея (Psiheja), Слот (Slot), Animal Jazz, Tracktor Bowling, Небо Здесь (Nebo Zdes'), Линия (Linija), 7раса (7rasa), Морэ & Рэльсы (Morje & Rjel'sy), Мои ракеты вверх (Moi rakety vverh). Russian post rock music is represented by Verticals, Silence Kit, I Am Above On The Left, and Los Bananas.

The bands like Lumen and Блондинка Ксю (Blondinka Ksju) are the most popular with punk listeners, when the band Neversmile that combines alternative rock with post hardcore is popular with emokids.

The TV channel A-One was dedicated to Russian alternative rock, but recently the channel extended its scopes to alternative rap and became a rap channel.

Umbrellate style: Rock

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Alternative Rock mixes

508 50:51   131 PR 6,4 ▲
Alternative Rock, Synthwave
433 48:17   130 PR 5,9 ▲
Alternative Rock, Rock
319 57:19   154 PR 5,6 ▲
Alternative Rock
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Alternative Rock tracks and remixes

792 5:10   68 PR 42,9 ▲
Alternative Rock, Indie rock
374 3:24 31 143 PR 18,1 ▲
Alternative Rock, Russian Pop
131 4:13 13 122 PR 12,9 ▲
Alternative Rock, Ambient

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