Berlin School

Berlin School of electronic music or just Berlin school is a style that emerged in the early 70s near to the Ohr label in Berlin, Germany. This territorially isolated style is based on Krautrock and electronic experiments by already cult groups Tangerine Dream, Ashra and Klaus Schulze.

Birth: 1973 Bloom: 1977

Berlin school is mostly sequencer music with analogue synthesizers; it is said to be illusory, psychedelic, associative, meditative and so on music. As a rule, it is global musical canvases often based on several repeating musical spirals, which gradually became stronger with vibrant, expressive melismata or several melodic lines.

The style`s identification with space music distinguished it from the rhythm-oriented genre Dusseldorf school. Kraftwerk, Can, Neu! and Claster have lived and created their music in Dusseldorf. These bands have had a great influence on techno and synth pop, while Berlin school artists have always been a wellspring for those, who created music in such genres as trance, new-age or ambient.

Vintage Berlin school records generally contained two tracks (one for one side) and run about 20 or 30 minutes. With the advent of the compact disc, artists were no longer limited by vinyl record`s capacity, so they began to create continuous pastoral audio-trips that run about 80 minutes. Due to musicians` love to endless loop and continuous musical flow, some artists and directors got interested in Berlin school music in order to visualize it.

Umbrellate style: Ambient

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Berlin School tracks and remixes

120 2:02   831 PR 20,8 ▲
Berlin School, Ambient
246 2:06 18 64 PR 13,5 ▲
Berlin School
317 3:30   91 PR 3,9 ▲
Berlin School, Breaks

Chillout →

← Ambient Dub